
We Simply Love Our Pets and Love Them Smile Infinitely.

Life can be challenging. Especially when you seem to have no one besides you… But you have your pets. It’s unfortunate that some people abandon pets….but when was the last time your pets abandon you???

Are you with me? OK, let’s stop talking about your life and shift toward our pets! Based on many life experiences, we truly believe out pets deserve more. They are not only caring about us, but they give us unconditional happiness. Yes, unconditinal love!!!

We truly believe so. That’s why we created SmileyPetPlanet.com.

Hey, my name is Ryo. I am the founder of Smiley Pet Planet. I was born and raised in Japan. Since I was a kid, I was extremely curious about life. I thought eveyother kids were like me but they weren’t as obsessed as I was. I always felt I could communicate with any life forms even with insects and buds… ( except one…I still can’t keep my tempers when I face mosqueto attacks…) To make my story short, I am not who am today without them. They were parts of my life and smiled. Well, occasionally I have to give them their favorite toys or treats to earn the smiles… But hey, it worked for me whenever I needed.

Why Smiley Pet Planet?

I built this site to show my respects to all pets that sacrificed their time for me. This site is also here to help other pets and people who love them. My mission is to provide a trusted source of information for pet’s health, work & play, and pet related products for them to be happier with smiles. I want to acknowledge the power of our pets and help the world to be full of smiles.

Thank you for your visit or detour to this site. We hope our information gives you what you and your pets are looking for. If you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to let us know. We know we need massive improvements to please all pets in the universe.

Have a great Smiley day with your smiley pets!
